Dakterleja ("Doctor Dale"), Dundaga

A doctor's practice was established in Dundage in 1811. The name of the river bed originates from there. The actual building of the doctor's practice cannot be found there any longer, however, the pharmacy established at Dakterleja in 1883 still can be seen.

The most visible accent to Dakterleja was given by the doctor and the linguist Juris Bārs who worked there from 1844 to 1855. Besides being engaged as a doctor, he managed to perform an upturn in the Latvian linguistics by proposing new orthography eliminating double consonants and «letter groups», introducing the new form of a length mark and other language improvements. Today it would be hard to imaging the Latvian language without the reform performed by Bārs.

In Dakterleja there is a heath spring popular among the local residents and guests.

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